Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Cha cha cha changes

In case this ends up in a time capsule of some sort, yesterday will go down in history as the day the scabs hit the tipping point.  Remember back in 1987 when the NFL locked out the players and they started the football season with “scab” players?  Well the NFL referees are locked out and the blown call at the end of the Green Bay vs. Seattle game may go down as one of the biggest blown calls in the history of Monday Night Football.  Now I’m probably a little bitter because I was talked into playing fantasy football (which I had successfully avoided for 16 years) for the first time and I find myself sweating out games that under normal circumstances I wouldn’t give two shits about.  I remember about 8 years ago my buddy Pete asked me to name 12 quarterbacks in the NFL.  I did, but it wasn’t easy.  Now I can pretty much give the top 5 position players on all 32 teams.  I’m not proud of that, by the way, you all know how competitive I am.

As a funny aside to the paragraph above, I was in man cave sweating out the game last night while Connor and Nita were watching a spitting cobra episode of Crocodile hunter.  After the 200th sack of Aaron Rodgers I shouted, “Mother F@#$%^.”  Nita came in the room and said, “Connor heard your little outburst and said, ‘Mommy, Daddy is calling you.’”  That actually made me laugh so hard I was crying.  I really have been watching my language in the house but I thought Connor had already gone to bed.  My bad.

Connor has grown into a booster chair now.  Yep, he’s riding tall using a real seatbelt.  And his new little booster is pretty slick.  It has movable arm rests and two cup holders.  He is very sweet about it too.  Josie will ask if she can put her sippy cup in his holder and he always agrees to do it.  Oh, and two pretty scary events happened yesterday. By the way was there a full moon or something?  What is up with Yesterday and this morning?  Anyway, Connor ended up in our bed last night.  I figured he’d gotten scared or something and Nita brought him downstairs to settle him down, but when she discovered him in the bed she took him back upstairs and tucked him in.  Apparently, my adorable son can unlock the baby gate at the top of the stairs now.  And he did just that and came down the stairs in the middle of the night.  Normally he gets to the top and calls for one of us and then Nita goes up and settles him down.  This is a new twist.

Now for those of you who have been to the house, you know our staircase.  It is charming, but probably the most dangerous staircase available.  To make things worse, when we did the hardwood floors, we also did the stairs. In fact when Connor was first learning to walk up the stairs and Pete would come by; he’d hold his breath every time he got about half way up.  Pete said, “My heart just stops right at the turn where it starts to narrow.” 

A couple of years ago, Nita went to go check on Connor in the middle of the night and missed the last step and took a little tumble. So I went out and bought some glow in the dark tape.  You know like the stuff that they use on stages for marking your spot in the dark?  And actually my mom took a little tumble leaving our house through the garage and cracked a rib just before we flew down to the Valley a couple Christmas’ back.  So I put the tape on the bottom seven steps and made a little runway for mom in the garage in case she didn’t turn the light on.  This morning Connor wasn’t talking too much about why he came down the stairs or how it went (he does kind of sleep walk a little too), so I’m not sure if he used the tape as a guide or not.  All I know is I’m a little freaked out about it and need to put an extra stopgap on the gate.

This morning Josie was nice enough to show me how she’s learned to climb up into her crib all by herself.  She does it by pulling herself up, using her rail and mattress as footholds and then launching herself headfirst over the rail onto the mattress.  She laughs as she catches herself with her hands and head and then flips on her side.  Yes I visualize her next move all too clearly.  So we have to ask if it is time for a princess bed (lower to the ground of course), or do we try to reason with a 2 year old and convince her that it is dangerous to climb on furniture (while watching brother bounce from item to item like the ground was a crocodile infested moat).  So there is that. 

Josie’s vocabulary and thought progression is taking huge strides.  In addition to singing songs and general parroting, she is really focusing on connecting dots.  For example, she’s crazy into Halloween right now and one of the books she wants read (about five times in a row) is the “Clifford’s first Halloween book.”  There is a page where Clifford (the big red dog) gets some bones from a neighbor while trick or treating with Emily.  Josie thinks that a skeleton must have given him the bones because skeletons have bones. 

This weekend a dear old friend got married and we brought Connor to the reception.  Well, he found the dessert bar and after 20 peanut M&Ms, some Reece’s pieces, and a few gummy bears, Connor transformed into Tony Manero and lit up the dance floor.  His best move is to run around in circles until he gets dizzy and then fall down.  We used to force pledges to do that, I’m guessing he won’t need much prodding if that comes up in his future.  Josie also knows this move and last night while mommy was finishing up dinner we had a little dance party complete with percussion instruments in the formal living room.  It was pretty fun.  The kids are growing up so fast it blows my mind.  I’m not sure I’m ready for all the cha cha cha cha changes.  One change I am ready for is the old NFL refs.  Y’all come back now ya hear!

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