Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Moving on up!

Last episode we had Soupy getting used to his new environment. And by new I mean same bowl and same rock just different house. Now since retired people have nothing better to do than obsess, Soupy’s five year habitat was deemed unfit for turtle-hood.  So now Soupy is moving on up, like a Jefferson.  Yep, my mother and her friend the turtle whisperer have decided to deputize themselves the turtle version of CPS and confiscate Soupy.  Now bless her heart she is a big time animal lover and she does have time on her side.  Personally I thought it would be neat for Connor to watch a little turtle grow up, and in fairness Connor ends up at mom’s house at least every other week, so no real harm done.  And, as Christine said when she gave us our little green bundle, other than the ten seconds a day that Connor wanted to hold and kiss Soupy, I was in charge of bowl, rock, and Soupy cleaning…as well as feeding.  Since his digs were so inadequate, mom went and bought a terrarium and had the Petsmart people install it.  This thing is loaded complete with gravel, filter, heat lamp, free range organic turtle chow (okay so I made that part up), and two flat screen TVs looping the tortoise and the hare. 
Concurrently, our new nanny Kara came down and stayed with us for a couple of days.  As an added bonus she brought her dog Ellie with her.  Connor of course went CRAZY with that dog.  After Ellie went back home, she was all he could talk about.  He loved petting her, giving her treats, kissing her, and racing her in the back yard.  He’s such a sweet boy and he loves animals.  Ellie also got along great with Josie.  She’d come up to Josie in her exersaucer and lick her face and was rewarded with Josie’s very boisterous giggle.  I know. It’s time.
Family vacation coming up in a few weeks, after that it looks like we’ll be taking a little trip to the pound to go find us a new Martinez.  I hope we get as lucky as we did with Rio.  In the meantime, good luck Soupy. Enjoy life in first class.

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