Sunday, September 6, 2015

Christmas letter 2009

Two beers and a patio.  So after the economy reacted so favorably to our new president, my buddy Lee had less and less work for his guys.  So one afternoon while talking about fatherhood, my back yard and the down time of his crews over a couple of beers we decided to build a little chiminea and expand the patio a bit.  When Lee said what it would cost, I said, “Do it!”  Nita over heard me committing to this and asked if I was crazy, stupid or both.  She reminded me that we had a three month old and she was running on fumes due to sleep deprivation. I explained that Lee never showed up on time and we had weeks to think about it.  Well, early the next morning, Nita came to me and said, “Hey Mr. ‘three weeks’ Lee’s outside with a bobcat, he’s staking out the yard, and he needs a check.”  Uh Oh!  To Nita’s chagrin this project took a little longer than expected, but luckily Connor was only three-five months old and still didn’t really know the difference between a generator, concrete mixer, and singing.  And he certainly hadn’t established sleeping patterns yet.  Further, Nita kept asking for the “design drawings.”  I told her we were Mexicans not architects.  She didn’t think that was funny.  We also ran into a hitch on the arbor.  Like when Lee said he didn’t plan for one and I insisted we had.  So we came up with a new design on the spot.  When Nita asked us about it we said we “thought it would work.”  Nita was again not amused. So two days before my birthday the patio was complete.  It looks fantastic and is probably structurally sound.  Just kidding Nita, its fine. (I could have done five pages on the patio and may still expand on the blog/website at 

Connor moves upstairs. This was more traumatic for Nita early on, then later for me.  So remember last year’s letter when Nita went from needing total silence to sleeping through a train wreck?  Now Connor sleeps through the night and the old Nita is back. Yep, Connor is upstairs and Nita can’t even have the monitor on.  No light, total silence.  And now it appears someone’s snoring is an issue.  I was dismissed to the other side of the house on more than one occasion.  So being a good husband I went to the dentist to get a custom fit snore guard.  Well, one week after I got the guard Connor got sick (more on that later) and I caught a little bit of it.  In a light headed but well-intended move, I put my mouth guard in the dishwasher to sterilize.  Apparently in the sani-cycle, they melt.  So even though bottles, nipples, and pacifiers hold their shape, custom fit mouth guards are no longer “custom fit” when they come out.  The new one arrived recently.

Marco turns 40.  I turned 40 this year and had a pretty nice party.  The new patio was perfect and we had the Manchaca Fire Hall kitchen cater it.  For those of you who were in my South Austin/Crockett High School past I’m sure you remember the Friday night fish fries and catfish buffets. It was a wonderful piece of nostalgia that didn’t disappoint.  We also lit the fireplace (this apparently takes 13 members of the men’s golf association).  It was a great time for all.  By the way, I hear 40 is the new 25 right?

Connor gets baptized.  Thanks to Omar and Anita Uresti for agreeing to become Connor’s Godparents.  We had a lovely ceremony and if you are interested there is a video on his website.  Father Joe Tomei presided and sadly moved to Chile to be the headmaster of a Catholic school there.  We’re saddened because we love Fr. Joe and were hoping he could guide Connor through all of his sacraments.  We do wish him the best and may go visit him (or fly him up) sometime in the next year or so.

Revolving nannies.  Going back to work for both of us was eased by the fact that Omar’s niece Amber agreed to be our nanny.  She was wonderful with Connor and was just amazing.  Then that darn Nick Watney won another tournament, fell in love with her and asked her to marry him.  The only consolation was he did come and also sit for Connor a couple of days and gave Marco a putting lesson.  In any case, he swept her away from us.  Luckily she had a friend who was also a nanny.  So welcome Erika.  However, she wanted to follow her ambition of event planning that she’d started in New York.  So after a few months she too told us she’d accepted an internship with an events group.  As they say “when one door closes another opens,” enter Samantha.  We were trying to find a house near us for Marco’s mom so she could be closer to Connor.  So we worked with our favorite real estate guy Jeff Kress.  One day while looking at houses and explaining our nanny situation he said, “You know my daughter Sam has been sitting for our kids since she was 13 and she’s awesome with kids.”  She’s been with us ever since and we love her. 

Have you seen my spontaneity?  We seem to have misplaced it.  All you veteran parents used to tell us to enjoy our spontaneous trips, movie nights, date nights, dinners at fancy places, etc.  You’d say, “Do it now, because when the baby comes….”  Wow you weren’t kidding.  We seem to need weeks of notice and a bevy of resources to pull off dinner.  Even then all plans go out the window with a delayed or missed nap.  And we learned the hard way that Connor is great in restaurants that have hard surfaces.  Anything with paper or a tablecloth is like trying to eat on a jackhammer.    He also washes his hands in our water glasses…what could possibly go wrong with this plan?

Abuelita moves a mile away.  Marco’s mom moved one mile away from us.  The best part is that her house backs up to the elementary school Connor will attend.  So Marco’s friend Lee and his crew built a new fence in her back yard with a gate leading to the play area.  Imagine the convenience of Bertha walking through the field to the school to pick up Connor after school and just walking back to her house.  No sidewalks, traffic, waiting for a potentially late mom or dad.  Plus you know she’s going to watch him play every day during recess with a smile on her face and warmth in her heart. 

Marco and Nita celebrate 5 years of marriage.  Because of the little red wonder we didn’t take any trips this year.  A couple of concerts and a few nice dinners…but mostly we just hung out with our boy and our friends.  We did learn that sometimes napping when he naps is WAY more valuable than doing chores when he naps. 

The ankle part 1 and 2and ESPN Golf.  While playing golf at 7AM on father’s day, Marco took a step on a wet railroad tie tee ramp and slipped.  He acted unusually responsible and instead of trying to “walk it off” he came home and went to the emergency room.  Now the lesson here is that the ER is designed to keep you alive, not make you better.  So they gave him crutches and a soft flexible cast. They told him, “stay off it for a week and call an orthopedist.”  So one day before the Orthopedist appointment the real Marco shows up.  “Honey, I’m feeling better, so I don’t think I need my crutches anymore.”  Then Marco’s mother called him to help her with her garage door.  Marco goes over to check to see if the cord might be wrapped outside the spindle.  So he limps up and low and behold there is a yellow jacket nest just inches from his nose (y’all do know about Marco’s irrational fear of flying-stinging insects right?).  Marco took two quick steps to run away and tore his achilles tendon and found out he had two torn ligaments in his ankle.  Apparently when you don’t extend your foot or put weight on it for over a week, your achilles tightens up and is susceptible to injury.   A few thousand bucks, MRIs, x-rays, and casts later he healed up.  The sad part was that he and his buddy Pete qualified for the Regional ESPN challenge golf tournament.  Marco had just lost what he called his baby handicap.  When Connor was born he shot up to a 13 and by June was just back inside single digits.  He won his club’s MGA championship and after he and Pete won the sectional they were all excited about “going to Vegas.”  I think it’s because they’d just seen The Hangover.  Three weeks after the sectional we have the torn ligaments and achilles.  Needless to say, no Vegas.  Is it just me or does anyone else believe that Marco and Pete saved money on this?

Connor turns one.  We decided to have a birthday party petting zoo.  There is way more detail (and pictures) on his website but it was really neat event.  Connor loves animals, is pretty gentle in petting them, and turns into a crack head when presented with a cupcake.  Our neighborhood has had an influx of children in the last few years and several of Marco’s co-workers have children in the 1-4 year old range.  So 50 animals and 30 kids made for a fun day.  The weather was extremely cooperative for mid November and no one got hurt or threw tantrums. 

Rio the bionic dog.  Unfortunately for Connor, Rio remembers all the other children who’ve chased him around over the years.  He has to be physically held down so Connor can pet him.  Connor is very gentle with him and laughs every time he comes around.  He even puts his head on him like a pillow and pats him like he’s burping him.  Connor thinks they are best friends because during lunch and dinner Rio hangs around the high chair for dropped food.  So remember I taught Rio never to beg for food.  We never fed him at the table, he wouldn’t stare at you or paw at you when we ate….well Connor has undone 13 years of training in 3 months.  And Rio is too old to care that he isn’t supposed to do it anymore.  He still trots away from Connor when he doesn’t have food though.  I think Connor thinks he’s playing “chase.”

The trip.  One of Nita’s “Marfa crew” girlfriends got married this year.  But first they have to have a bachelorette party.  So they head off to South Beach, Miami for a weekend of sun, wine, eating, and dancing.  Luckily one of my buddies, oh who are we kidding it was Pete, said, “South Beach? At least Nita isn’t attracted to Hispanic men.”  Remember this is Nita’s first overnight away from the boy and it’s for two nights.  One of the girls trying to find a bargain found the air fare and hotels for them.  So while looking at the itinerary (on the day of her departure) she notices that she’s coming home from Miami……by way of Minneapolis.  I’m guessing the person paying 46 dollars for a flight didn’t have a map or notice that the total flying time was 14 hours.  But they all had a great time and are all sticking to the story that none of them exposed themselves, I’m not convinced.  In any case, a distraught new mom was finally persuaded to buy a one way from Miami and get home about six hours before her friends.  So Nita was able to make it home in time to put Connor in his jammies, read to him, and put him to bed.  Mom and child reconciled.

Outdoor wedding in Texas in July at 5pm.  Just don’t! You know who you are.    Whoever told you it was “fine” or a “good idea….” LIED!  It’s not like you just moved here.  Come on! You both have PhDs.  Use your heads.  Thanks for letting me sweat through a pair of underwear. (I realize I didn’t have to, but would you really expect me to not go there?) This way you get to live it with me.

Baby proofing a house is really more of a moving target. My first attempt was installing a magnetic lock on a cabinet door that Connor was inanely attracted to.  It contained cleaning solutions and sharp instruments, so of course he needed to be in there.  So after thirty minutes, a mistake in lining up the catch, drilling a hole all the way through the cabinet door, SUCCESS!  One cabinet done.  Those of you who’ve been in the house know I’d still be installing locks at this pace.  Connor crawled to the door, pulled on it once then moved to the next cabinet which opened.  The next day he crawled up to the door looked at it, and then went to the one which would open.  I was thinking I could have accomplished the same goal with tape.  I have found later this was would not have been a good strategy.  He’s quite tenacious.  And every built in cabinet we own except his Tupperware drawer has a lock of some sort.  Don’t you love this part?  He has also figured out that by using a lid under his hand he can crawl twice as quickly across the floor.

Connor gets sick.  Some of you know that I intended to attend medical school at one point in my life.  However, I always said I would never be a pediatrician or a vet for a similar reason.  The reason is when they are hurt and you are trying to fix them….they don’t understand you are trying to help.  At least dogs appreciate when the procedure is over and you give them a treat.  Kids look at you like you like all the victims in a SAW movie react while learning what they have to cut off in order to save themselves from a shotgun shell necklace. More on his website blog. 

Thanksgiving.  We planned to go to Houston this year to show Connor off to the Italian side of the family.  Plus if you’ve never been to an Italian thanksgiving, find a way to get to one.  The fun and food are never ending.  And for the record, turkey, ham, prime rib, and grilled artichokes go wonderfully with lasagna.  However, there was an accident with one of our cousins and thanks to God she is recovering.  So Mary Helen offered to host the Austin clan this year.  It was a wonderful spread and we all had a lovely time.  The conflict of course was what Connor would wear.  You’ll remember that Nita is a Longhorn and Marco is an Aggie.  So after some light haggling and a few coin flips we decided he’d wear orange to Mary Helen’s house for dinner and then a maroon 12th Man jersey for the game.  Look out next year t-sips.  18 true freshmen on the A&M squad?  Wait until the game slows down for them.  Connor was also a pretty adorable vampire for Halloween.  He even had a pacifier with vampire teeth on the outside.  (see website).

What if we all learned as much in 1 year as Connor?  In no particular order: talking, clapping, rolling over, crawling, standing, pulling yourself up, stairs, bathing, solid food, solid poop, milk, juice, water, sippy cups, the dog, jumping, falling, sleeping by yourself, singing, music, Spanish, television, baby Einstein, peek-a-boo, swimming, tickling, shoes, toys, squeaking, mirrors, blocks, trucks, phones, piano, books, drawers, cabinets, golf carts, slamming fingers, sitting, swinging, walking, cupcakes, laughing,  Christmas lights, trees, and remotes.  At forty, I’m lucky to learn a new word, and with that something else has to go.

Connor, Rio, Nita and I would like to wish each of you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  We hope you have as many opportunities to laugh at yourselves as we did this year.  We hope your blessings greatly outnumber your troubles.  We pray your families get/stay healthy and your loved ones are safe.  We hope you have as much fun reading this letter as we did living it.  May God  bless you and your families.

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